
Two design workshops will be organized, in which to creatively interact starting from the observation of concrete cases: the Sarno plain; the Irno valley.
A field trip will be arranged, investigating places at different levels, from landscapes’ understanding to iconography and literature inspirations, to questions regarding the recovery of river landscapes, to the solutions carried out so far.
During the focused visit it will be possible to discuss with the involved actors, to examine convergent urban policies and their effects on landscapes, to immerse in values of local culture, to suggest projects of landscape re-appropriation from which to learn, to collectively work in order to interpret river landscapes and propose design solutions.
Groups of participants will produce design concepts on the future of the sites that will be reported in the final session of the conference.
The registration at UNISCAPE en-route conference allows to receive a dropbox link to share useful materials in order to deepen knowledge on the selected sites.

Coordinator: Alessandro Sgobbo


Coordinator: Vito Cappiello